Aesthetically, Be-you-tifully You


Be-you-tifully You


Our proven  Methodology is for you, if you are looking for... A CLEAR, SUSTAINABLE PATH TO BUILDING & KEEPING YOUR DREAM BODY — FOR LIFE!

This is not for you, if you are looking for ANOTHER quick fix, "DIET," or magic, "SUPPLEMENT.” 

Learn how 100’s of women 40+ have applied our Methodology to lose the the belly fat, and get lean and toned for life!

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We see you, Fabulously Forty ( and beyond) 

We get it. We were you.

Getting fit after 40 is really F*king Hard!!

You are worried you will never feel attractive again.

Wondering if the energy that you once had in your 20 & 30’s is gone for good!

You are frustrated, confused and have no idea what to do.

Should I do yoga, spin…body pump or Orange theory?

Try that new “diet” I saw on Tiktok?

What about weight training, or counting macros..?

Does any of it work?

You try again…and then give up a month later.

Back to the bad habits.

Can SOMEONE PLEASE make this simple?

We have helped 100’s of women JUST LIKE YOU..with a few simple methodology that it will surprise you.

Best of all… it WORKS!

And we have the results to prove it!!

Best Sellers

This is for you if you don't want to be micromanaged and feel that you can offer yourself the support and discipline to stay on track.

This Program is for you if you want to GO ALL IN. You want a coach to be by your side all the time and make sure you are held accountable and completing what you should be doing.

Who is Jules Ann?

She is just a woman who

“just made time for herself!”

Now it is Your Turn

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On the Blog…



April 25, 20222 min read

I know you..

You’re slammed with work, maybe the kids woke you up at 2am, you’re good friend’s pet ran away.. OR the wind is blowing from the northeast.

Whatever it is, you’re just not feeling it.

Zero energy. 

Zero motivation. 

Zero willpower. 

It’s just one of “those” days.

We all have those days. Even me.

So how do I handle “those” days to stay on track with my goals?

I set non-negotiable

What do I mean by this?  

I create a goal

Then a list of non-negotiables to get me to the goal.

A non-negotiable becomes part of my routine.

It’s like brushing your teeth. 

You don’t have to be motivated to do it. 

You just do it. 

You do not contemplate it, it’s just part of your routine.

Will everyones non-negotiables will be different?

Hell yes!

Some may even be flexible, and that’s ok.

For instance, a non-negotiable for you may be hitting the gym out at least 3 days a week. More is great, but you have to hit at least 3, and it doesn’t matter which days. 

Yes, it’s great to have a set routine, but life doesn’t always work that way. 

Maybe your Tuesday is packed, and you  honestly can’t find time to get to the gym. No big deal, you move that workout to Wednesday..or if  Sunday is your off day,  you swap days.

Think of it as a deadline.

 If you have a project at work to get done - you usually have a deadline.  Without a deadline, you may get it done, or you may forget entirely. 

But if you have a deadline to do it before Friday, there’s no contemplating if you want to do it. You don’t need motivation.

It’s non-negotiable. 

You have to get it done, and so you do.

So make your GOAL, then set a list of non-negotiables to support it! 



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April 25, 20222 min read

I know you..

You’re slammed with work, maybe the kids woke you up at 2am, you’re good friend’s pet ran away.. OR the wind is blowing from the northeast.

Whatever it is, you’re just not feeling it.

Zero energy. 

Zero motivation. 

Zero willpower. 

It’s just one of “those” days.

We all have those days. Even me.

So how do I handle “those” days to stay on track with my goals?

I set non-negotiable

What do I mean by this?  

I create a goal

Then a list of non-negotiables to get me to the goal.

A non-negotiable becomes part of my routine.

It’s like brushing your teeth. 

You don’t have to be motivated to do it. 

You just do it. 

You do not contemplate it, it’s just part of your routine.

Will everyones non-negotiables will be different?

Hell yes!

Some may even be flexible, and that’s ok.

For instance, a non-negotiable for you may be hitting the gym out at least 3 days a week. More is great, but you have to hit at least 3, and it doesn’t matter which days. 

Yes, it’s great to have a set routine, but life doesn’t always work that way. 

Maybe your Tuesday is packed, and you  honestly can’t find time to get to the gym. No big deal, you move that workout to Wednesday..or if  Sunday is your off day,  you swap days.

Think of it as a deadline.

 If you have a project at work to get done - you usually have a deadline.  Without a deadline, you may get it done, or you may forget entirely. 

But if you have a deadline to do it before Friday, there’s no contemplating if you want to do it. You don’t need motivation.

It’s non-negotiable. 

You have to get it done, and so you do.

So make your GOAL, then set a list of non-negotiables to support it! 



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